Monday, September 22, 2008


"Our love...and I mean this in a nice like taking Lassie to the dessert, removing her teeth with a hunting knife; and shooting her in the head with a gun that you and she made together"

and on that love front I may have to take some time in the near future to report on shopping as a couple, and how it seems to represent an ultimate token of love and devotion.

ew updates:

my landlady’s cat is chilling on my bed and I’m a little disturbed.

I have made it through my first official month of law school and I still stand.

I see death cab in a few weeks. Am so excited

Ok all of this “news” aside, I have to talk about the most fantastic thing that I received in the mail. Martin and Osa sends me coupons and the like in the mail. Well when I sorted through it on Saturday I came across a little envelope that seemed a little thicker then usual. And this was because within the package was a stack of what are in essence………fashion flash cards. They have pictures of two well dressed models on the front, with information on the outfits they sport on the back. I have to say…..amazing. there is no better way to advertise. I’m so smitten with them that they have not yet left my handbag. I mean really. Who thought of this? It’s amazing. Pocket guides to fashion, a way to quiz yourself. I love the idea. Between this and the option on their website that allows you to dress a mannequin, as well as shop by entire outfit, Martin and Osa may be the most progressively fantastic marketing retailer ever. I’m sold. Keep up the good work, and I’ll cross my fingers for a attempt at marketing short fiction, martin and Osa poetry, perhaps martin and Osa paper dolls. Keep me guessing and as soon as I’m a women of means again (may be at least 3 years) then I will again be a dedicated shopper.

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