Tuesday, September 22, 2009

fall has fallen

I am knee deep in fall ladies and gentlemen, and I love it.
The leaves are changing, the temperature is pleasant, the fashions I love are in full swing. Alexandra has 20+ happiness points.
These are the things that make me really happy:
1. it’s boots time. this is good for many reasons, primarily I am obsessed with boots. They are one of the few things that never ever ever go out of style (though there are particular boots that come and go). They keep my legs warm, they are comfortable, they look sharp and most importantly they make me look hot!!
2. Apples: so far your humble author has already bought a half a peck of orchard fresh apples with which she has made a slamming pie and hot apple cider. This was just to start humble reader, I also plan on a puff pastry apple tart, baked apple, and apple salad, with walnut, blue cheese and awesome. Plus they taste good on their own
3. As I probably eluded to above, I am a cooking fiend. Now that I can turn on my oven without cooking myself in my apartment that is similar in size to an actual oven, I am cooking like I just learned how. So far on my roster of culinary feats is a whole Asian themed dinner (in which I made the sushi and tempura), steak au poivre, apple pie, jam…to name a few. Thursday my new adventure is a roast chicken (I have made this before but it is soooo tasty) deciding now it it will have a classic seasoning, or if I will make my lemon chicken with balsamic onions.
4. I can have people over without them choking in the heat. My sushi dinner was quite good. We have wine, salmon, veggie and sweet potato tempura sushi, tempura (pepper, green bean (not my favorite) onion (awesome) and sweet potato) edemmame (peanuts) and cha sue bow (sp)thanks to chris. It was FABULOUS

In other notes: I am heading to Philadelphia in three days, not only to see if it really is always sunny but to visit my friend Kate. I haven’t seen her in some time and I am very excited. On the itinerary: have a real phillie cheese, see some museums and go out and have fun.

In other news, this Monday Chris and I are celebrating our one year anniversary…gasp. I am thrilled! He is the one. and I am thrilled! Now I’m not sentimental; ask anyone. I am cynical, and angry, and at times rude to those who ramble about love like it had the same effects of LSD because I believe such sentiments are unlikely to do anything but disappoint (see romantic comedies are ruining the world, at the bottom of the page). And I was not proved wrong. I have met someone who compliments me in every way, makes me feel good when I’m sad, hurts me when we fight, will fight anyone else for me and who I have full and total faith in.. He knows how to make me smile, he knows how to make me laugh and when we are together I am free to be more myself then I ever thought I could. So eat it romantic comedies, real love is more beautiful and more worth celebrating

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