Ok there is good news:
- first of all I just received a coupon for feng and/or Ginza restaurants for my anniversary. I get a free entrée up to $15. woot!! I think this combines all of my favorite things it the world:
o sushi
o my boyfriend (as it is our anniversary that warranted this deal
o rewards cards
o rewards from said cards that don’t suck (I’m looking at you Boarders)
o things that are about me
o and free stuff
hurray for Ginza!!!!
- ok two: I have just learned, with glee, that Fall 2009 Runway shows, upon a careful review by me (meaning I looked up a synopsis online) has just lead me to the stunning conclusion that because both cropped jackets and collarless jackets are in for fall I can re-use ne of my few trendy purchases ever (a brown velvet(ish) cropped collarless coat. It was one of those shapeless kinds that were big like two years ago and I got it because at the time I had a lot of disposable income and a need for a light jacket to get me through the warmer days of fall….keep in mind this is all before I finally got my white trench which is timeless despite the pop-away-for-no-reason-buttons. I bought it knowing that it only had a season to live (I guess it is like a mosquito of fashion) but then shablam!! Its back) here is to new life
- and finally, my back is better after a sad turn of pain this past day. I felt like I was being punched in the back every time I did something. This sadly means I have to take a week off the exercise routine which is only half sad because…..well I’m taking a week of the exercise routine.
Anniversary (One year!!) is on the 28th. I am trying to get my butt to Philli to see an old friend the weekend before that!! And it’s almost apple season!!
On that note in fact I have just purchased my first bag of fresh apples and will be enjoying one this weekend. all you kids that live outside New England just don’t know what you’re missing.
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