So today is my birthday!!
I am 23
Fears about being old aside, I have decided to reflect on what 23 years on this earth have taught me as I enjoy the light breakfast I treated myself to today
1. you only get this one life, and when you really think about it it isn’t a long time. Like Chuck Palahniuk said “On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero”.
2. In regards to number 1, life is to short to eat bad food, read bad books, drink bad wine and hang out with people who suck
3. people don’t think about nearly as much as you think they do, and when they do, its never nearly half as bad as you think it is. But if it’s a lot and if its all bad things then your doing something right. Your nobody till somebody hates you, because no one wants the unsuccessful and unliked to fail.
4. dress well everyday. For starters, you will be prepared for everything life has to throw at you. And furthermore, almost all success comes through self confidence, and nothing makes you as confident as knowing you look good
5. to add to this, you are not Heidi Klum, you will never be Heidi Klum, to some degree even she isn’t Heidi Klum. And if she spent all of her time upset she wasn’t Tyra Banks, you wouldn’t find her attractive anyway, so get over it.
6. the beauty in all things comes from its uniqueness. Think of the most beautiful person in the world. Then really look at their features. I’d bet a starbucks that they are just as “ugly” as you are
7. don’t bet starbucks with your mom (this is new)
8. don’t let other people make up your mind for you. I hate my boobs. I will always hate my boobs. And for a while I struggled with the unfeminist implications of getting them “worked on”. But then I realized that putting your happiness aside so you can fit yourself into a mold, however noble, is no different then “doing what other people want you to”
9. having boobies is not a bad life goal
10. having big feet is ok
11. being dumb is ok
12. being everything but lazy and pretentious is ok
13. brown does go with black, and gold with silver, navy with black, and argile with plaid. The only rule of thumb here is if you own it; it works
14. your never too old to enjoy your birthday. Maybe I’ll feel differently when I wrinkle, but I’ve had the grays, I’ve had the growth spurts, and all I know is with every year I am smarter then the year before. Because of this I will never be afraid of getting older…….nervous, ok, and maybe I’ll whine but there is nothing but nobility in aging with grace.
15. OJ after Toothpaste tastes like ass
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