“Do you realize that everyone you know someday will die? And instead of saying all of your goodbyes, let them know you realize that life goes fast. It’s hard to make the good things last. You realize the sun doesn’t go down, its just an illusion caused by the world spinning ‘round”
How neglected my little blog has been of late
I am deeply sorry for this. A lot has been happening. My living situation has almost instantly turned to hell in a colonial. My room is freezing. And until our recent colder temperatures I had no idea. And I am less then pleased. I could have lived with all of the other issues of my living condition (ie, my landlady’s load voice which she inststs on using the second I walk in the door, her insistence that she yell at me from other rooms, her smoking (yeah didn’t tell me that when I moved in) that makes me want to take I up again like woah, the fact that I don’t have my own kitchen, the fact that she won’t be happy until my far more patient roommate and I are bleaching and scrubbing our shower every time its used). And this is made worse by the fact that she is insisting that she told me the room got cold, which is defiantly not the case as I would have declined to move it if it had. This, with everything else, plus the fact that I’m parking my car in the road where her insane neighbor already made mince meat of my roommates side mirror, is the reason I am pretty sure I’m done with this home and all it intails. Its making me realize that despite the fact that its cheaper to live this way, id rather take out the cash and live somewhere nice, for the sake of my studies. Though my mother now thinks that this is all a rouse and that I really just want to move home. This is very far from the truth, but it also means that I cant really ask for her help in looking for a new place. Not that she’s my go to girl, since she hated living with someone else and yet insisted I do it.
Anyway, I’m excited by Halloween and hope I get to celebrate it to its fullest. I had wanted to be Dorothy and found the cutest costume, but due to budget cuts with no sign of government funded bailouts, I may opt instead for dressing up as Amy Winehouse. This will be as easy as borrowing a dress from my little sister, doing up the hair, asking my sister very nicely to do my eye makeup and donning some fake tattoos and a half empty bottle of Jack Daniels (though by the time I make the bottle in such a way to me it may seem half full). Side note: watched a thing on tats last night and was completely grossed out by new trend of eye tats….gyahhh. Though the tattoo ink that glows under blacklight but is invisible in daylight is pretty awesome
Two top fives may cover the rest:
Top five favorite things:
- white cheddar cheese its
- starbucks- 2 pump Pumpkin Spice Lattes, soy with caramel drizzle
- Deathcab
- my panini grill
- Bones
Top Five things I am less then pleased with
- Sarah Palin
- My little $375/mo ice box
- McCain’s potential death, Palins potential appointment as president, and my potential move from country as angry ex-patriot
- like my roommate calls it “the tyranny of Phyllis”
- filling my gas tank
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