I was, before my days as a student of law, employed by a jeweler. And long story short, while I was there I established, with my boss’s daughter a tiny design project, which he sells in his store. Well she notified me the other day that yet another one of my pieces had sold. Rather, another one of my
Capri necklaces had sold. And now I wonder about the power of marketing. You see, the only reason it is called a
Capri necklace, is because the colors of the Swarovski crystal beads in it are called
Capri blue. Now the decision to name it as such has two factors:
1. I love Italy. I’ve to this day never been out of the country, and my first choice, if I could go anywhere would be Italy, no contest. In fact, I have the dream of some day touring the whole county, stopping in Venice, Florence, Rome (to get my catholic on, a adventure that was more exciting for me a few years ago when pope John was alive. Everyone loves a Polish pope, and for lack of more eloquent terminology: fucker held it down. In terms of humanitarianism and as a model for good Catholics, or even Christians everywhere, he is unrivaled in my mind) Milan (Fashion!!) and finally Capri, which has to be the most picturesque area I have ever seen documented on film. So much so I may never want to leave. And I want to do it right. Have a substantial budget to work off of, and resume until then my Italian studies so I can fully enjoy the culture and not just be one of those Americans that figures every country should know English but that everyone in America should speak it too as a form of acclimation. (This train of logic has been prevalent in our homeland for the past few years…ex: the twin towers have been bombed, possibly by a terrorist group based in Afghanistan….lets declare war on Iraq)
2. My boss seemed to be a one man militia against my name choices. Ex: my ruby red grapefruit colored bracelet was, I thought quite cleverly titled “Ruby” a nickname of sorts for its full name “Ruby don’t take you love to town”. I thought it was cleaver. And frankly if he was expecting something conformist he should have taken a good look at the creator. I mean really. Something nice and normal? How would I sleep at night? So he responded by changing them to Blue and Pink. This was only for inventor purposes but I want having it. So Ruby is now Ruby Red Grapefruit, and Lady Sings the Blues Bracelet (you’d buy it….it was a great name) became Capri.
But this leads me to my original thought. I wonder how much of the bracelet and necklaces success stems from the implication of the name. I mean the color of he chrystals is stunning. Like stop traffic stunning. I wore it on loan to a gallery opening one night and literally had people stopping me to ask about it. But somewhere in its name, and corresponding color, I suppose is some essence of escape, like your wearing a piece of a tropical paradise. I don’t know if this is true but its fun to think about
On that topic, had talk about the concept of “fictional reality” as the result of shows like the hills which are reality shows, but staged and scripted. Being biomedical engineer and therefore prone to “logic” didn’t want to delve with me because it was an oxymoron. And while I am aware of this, you can’t argue that there is now in out popular culture a such thing, and its kindof fun to think about. Maybe more on that later
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