It’s been just short of an ion, a millennia since I last wrote here. School has been just as tough as ever, the snow is on average taking up at least 4 hours of my week (I hate winter) and I’m finally at the point where if I have a second of time, I’m out because I know about the isolating depressions shut in syndrome associated with finals
A few good things on the horizon:
May go to Florida for my spring break!! Which is conveniently the same week as my boyfriends, what are the odds
I didn’t fail any classes this semester, and ended up somewhere about average to ever so slightly above.
I was fat as all heavenly hell, and just this morning realized that all of my efforts may be working
As for above, I’ve joined a new website called “the Daily Plate” where you search and track what you eat and can set goals etc. I quite enjoy it, and apparently its working.
Though yesterday was a bad day in the opposite sense one would assume. I did my Pilates, got a little ahem other exercise but had no appetite and eat next to nothing. Luckily starbucks is high cal or I’d have been very under for the day which is pretty bad, since the website currently has me eating 1400 calories a day to lose 1.5 pounds a week.
Some bad news:
This week one of my friends pissed me off royally by being inconsiderate and selfish.
Another one made me sad because she’s leaving me sniffle sniffle
Also, it has snowed again. AGAIN!! Don’t we ever get enough
Upcoming events:
Oscars: hurray!! Nominations are out and my family has cast our votes in preparation for our annual Oscar/ aunt birthday party. It’ll be fun stuff. Looking forward to the fashion. Was direly bored last year. The only person who really wore something special in my mind was Marion Cotillard. Hopes are higher for this year
Go slumdog millionaire: at this point Danny Boyle deserves an Oscar more then Chaney deserves a buck shot to the face by his lesbian daughter, during her Massachusetts wedding ceremony. Amazing film. Amazing director.
Ok that’s all calss calls. I am resolute to write more.