So I am smack dab in the middle of law school now. I found a place to live, have all my stuff, am registered for all of my classes and have been to each one at least once. I have mixed feelings about the weeks to come. Everyone says law school is next to impossible but so far I feel like its all about keeping up with the work, which there is plenty of I assure you. however, I can see where the problems arise not so much with keeping up, but more dealing with the monotony involved with keeping up and having to deal with the fact that now there may not always be a right answer, just wrong ones. But I’m trying to keep my head high. To be honest one fo my biggest issues at present is being bored. I’m sure now that the getting to know you part of classes is over the real work begins. And in two weeks I start my Pilates class which doesn’t resume until regular classes do, as well as all the clubs and organizations I signed up for today.
Ok on that note. I have an interest in maybe studying environmental law (calm down the warm fuzzies about me saving the world. I’m thinking it’ll be big and I want to make sure I reap all the financial benefits of it. collect pecuniary awards as it were) and when I went to sign up for the club I was kindof dismayed. Amid the well decorated tables with colorful signs, give aways, candy bribes, enthusiastic members, and informational materials sat this one sad girl at this one sad table. Ok sad’s not fair for her, more disinterested, reading one of her case books, probably aware of her aesthetic inadequacies of her table compared to her classmates. And I signed the sad little sign in on the barren table. COME ONE KIDS! The world is going green. Time to get off your asses and celebrate. Environmental law is no longer the pathetic field of smart hippies in flannel looking to “make the world a little brighter”. Your fashionable now. embrace it!!! all your good deeds have not been for nothing. You have national press loving you, a multi-company line of products, celebrities endorsing you with enough gusto to make one think you have pictures on them. Mother Earth….you are basically the shit right now!
And live it up because its only a matter of time before Paris Hilton has another sex tape and people will go back to walking all over you, both figuratively and literally.
And ending note: sad story to end. I took like 10 minutes setting up the TV the previous tenant of my room had left so that I would have something mindless to do to realx my little brain before bed. You know something that didn’t involve torts, or property or rights or jurisprudence. So what do I watch?
Law and Order
Good night and good luck